Future Events

If you’re interested in becoming a member, or want any further information, please contact us via the contact page

Wales - Spring 2024

An eight day tour taking in Port Merion, Anglesey, Snowdonia and the N. Wales coast.  


Prospectus - Wales 2024
Wales 2024 Prospectus.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [539.4 KB]

The Auvergne and Beyond - Autumn 2024

An 18-day tour in September 2024 to the beautiful volcanic landscapes and mountains, picturesque villages, and castles of the Auvergne region of France,  and then on through the Pyrenees and returning home by ferry from Bilbao, Spain.


Prospectus - The Auvergne and Beyond
The Auvergne and beyond.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [1.4 MB]

                             Spring Rally 2025

The CAAR GB Spring 2025 Rally is planned to explore the Architecture and Landscape of the County of Northumberland. With over 70 standing Castles, the Northumberland National Park, and two national landscapes, the Northumberland Coast and part of the North Pennines there is much to see and enjoy.  Northumberland is also the least populated County in England.

Prospectus Spring Rally 2025
Visit Northumberland_ (3).pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [254.0 KB]

Greece - Autumn 2025

(Details and prospectus to follow)

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